The theme that Pope Francis chose for this inaugural World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly is ‘I am with you always’ (Matthew 28:20) – the tender and compassionate words Jesus spoke to the confused and bewildered Apostles before he ascended into Heaven – I am with you always. This is the same promise he makes to us every day.
In 2019, Pope Francis published the most extraordinary document called Christus Vivit – Christ is Alive. This is a Papal Exhortation of Faith, Youth and Vocational Discernment addressed to young people and the entire people of God (Full text available here: "Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019) | Francis (
In this extraordinary document, the Pope speaks to young people and to the challenges they face in today’s modern world. In doing so he calls on them to put down the deep roots of faith that will allow them to grow and bloom like a strong tree. Where does he tell them to direct those roots? Well, towards their grandparents and the elders of their communities. He writes:
‘all of us, even before our birth, received, as a blessing from our grandparents, a dream filled with love and hope, the dream of a better life… our great-grandparents had that happy dream as they contemplated their children and then their grandchildren in the cradle’ (CV 94)
It is to this dream that Pope Francis encourages the young people to go for inspiration and direction.
The Pope asks some important and challenging questions :
‘What can we elderly persons give to the young? “We can remind today’s young people, who have their own blend of heroic ambitions and insecurities, that a life without love is an arid life”. What can we tell them? “We can tell fearful young people that anxiety about the future can be overcome”. What can we teach them? “We can teach those young people, sometimes so focused on themselves, that there is more joy in giving than in receiving, and that love is not only shown in words, but also in actions”. (CV, 197).
The Pope values the elders of our community and God values the elders of our community because they are valuable. The Pope reminds us that ‘the word of God encourages to remain close to our elders so that we can benefit from their experience – the long years that they have lived and all that they have experienced in life should make us look at them with respect’ (CV188). He quotes the Book of Proverbs – 'The glory of the young might be their strength, but the beauty of the elder is their grey hair!’ (Prov 20:29).
This World Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elders of our Community is an opportunity for us to say thank you to our grandparents, great-grandparents and elders – to say that you are valued – to say that you are important and that you are not forgotten.
We are going to finish now with a prayer of blessing and healing for all of us here and especially for Grandparents, great-grandparents, the sick, elderly here and at home. This is a beautiful prayer of healing through the intercession of Padre Pio:
Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me.
I thank you for sending your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free.
I trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore me.
Loving Father,
touch me now with your healing hands,
for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit.
Cover me with the most precious blood of your Son,
our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.
Cast anything that should not be in me.
Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.
I thank you for sending your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the world to save and to set me free.
I trust in your power and grace that sustain and restore me.
Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands,
for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit.
Cover me with the most precious blood of your Son,
our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.
Cast anything that should not be in me.
Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.
Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection
by the power of Jesus’ precious blood.
Let the fire of your healing love pass through my entire body
to heal and make new any diseased areas
so that my body will function the way you created it to function.
Touch also my mind and my emotion,
even the deepest recesses of my heart.
Saturate my entire being with your presence,
love, joy and peace and draw me ever closer to you every moment of my life.
And Father, fill me with your Holy Spirit
and empower me to do your works
so that my life will bring glory and honour to your holy name.
I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.